Some already popular quotes.

We are already late. We don't have time to stop for gas.

If man were to give blessings, many will go without.

If you don't get what you want, you get experience.

There is first time to everything.

If something looks like a duck, cuckoos like a duck, and walks like a duck; believe it, "It is a duck."

I give enough rope, and even then someone doesn't come to terms, I hang him with the nearest tree.

You don't get a second chance to make the first impression.

Boats are safe in the harbor, but that is not what the boats are made for.

Following quotes have been personally coined by me. You are free to use them.

Ownership is a powerful concept.

Talks and balloons come cheap.

If a person teaches, what he believes in, he is a great teacher, otherwise he is a great crook.

Don't make your life a state machine. Don't wait for the input, instead take some initiative.

There is no sacred cow in this world.

I never forgive an insult and I never forget a favor.

Don't teach your father "How to ...."

If it is finite, I can enumerate.

All statements are not assignment statements, some excute by themselves.

If I work I help my nation.

Happiness is achieving your goals.

I may be unlucky, but I am a determined and persistent person.

Everyone is familiar with the following saying.

You only live once.

But I say.

You only live once. And you live in this time and place.

I am a strong believer in...

It is never the case of, 'who is right, who is wrong', but it is always the case "which side are you on?"
"A new version for "needle in the haystack". My version...

"Trying to find contact lenses in the swimming pool."

What is the difference between being rich and being poor.

Consider the following example. When your daughter insists for a Barbie doll, which costs only $3, then:

in case you are rich, you can always say
"I don't have the money, Sweetie."

However, if you are poor, then:
You will work two jobs, beg, borrow, or steal, but will get her the doll, and you will never say, "I don't have the money."-- And that is the difference between being rich and being poor.

Definition of a perfect man.

A perfect man is one, who can get away with anything.

What exactly is luck?

Don't consider yourself unlucky, if playing your regular numbers at lotto for 15 years didn't make you a jackpot winner. Instead consider yourself lucky if your regular numbers did not turn out to be the winning numbers, when you accidently missed out on one play out of all those 15 years.

And lastly...
Have you ever thought of why people cry when their someone near and dear or a child dies.

They cry because they have enough food to feed the near and dear. And they will never cry if they did not have enough food to support themselves or any of their immediate relatives. In that case they will rather be happy on someone's death.