Erik M. Rauch

Current Address:                              Permanent Address:	
83 Duane St.                       	      40 Circle Drive
Redwood City, CA 94062-1517                   Park Ridge, NJ 07656-1103
(415) 261-0763				      (201) 573-1370


Stanford University, graduate study in Computer Science beginning 9/96.

Yale University. B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics, May 1996.

Park Ridge High School, Park Ridge, NJ, 1992 (Salutatorian).


1996 NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention.
Morton B. Ryerson Scholarship, 1992-96 (Yale University).
Perspectives on Science (a selective interdisciplinary program at Yale.)

Programming Experience

Multiple years' experience including large projects in C and C++.
2 years as system administrator of an AIX network.
Parallel programming experience.
Also fluent in Lisp, Mathematica and HTML.


9/96 - present Stanford University
Teaching Assistant for Object Oriented GUI Programming in C++ class

6/96 - 8/96 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
I worked in the theoretical physics department, continuing my undergraduate thesis work with Benoit Mandelbrot.

12/95 - 5/96 Undergraduate Thesis: The Geometry of Critical Ising Clusters
with Benoit Mandelbrot.
I contributed to fundamental work on lacunarity, a property that, together with fractal dimension, describes the shape of a fractal. The work focused on fractals in the physical sciences (see publications).

5/95 - 8/95 Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Summer Research
5/94 - 8/94 The Santa Fe Institute
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program
During these two summers, with Dr. Mark Millonas, I worked on a fundamental problem in multi-agent systems: understanding collective intelligence such as that found in insect swarms. By theoretical work and simulation, we investigated how adaptive global behavior is coordinated when agents have only limited, local knowledge. We discovered several results relating phase transitions in behavior to adaptablilty, which are described in a paper I first-authored (see "publications.")

At Los Alamos, I also worked with Dr. Ramit Mehr and a team of biologists on formulating a cellular automaton model of cell growth and repair.

10/94 - 5/95 Yale Mathematics Department
Research Assistant to Benoit Mandelbrot

I aided Prof. Mandelbrot's research in fractal geometry in the physical sciences by doing extensive numerical simulations.

5/93 - 4/94 Yale Computer Science Department
Summer and Term-Time Research
I designed and implemented MPGA, an object-oriented, parallel genetic algorithm. It was demonstrated by optimizing 60 floating-point variables on a problem that was hard for other optimizers. It was significantly faster than the optimizer it replaced.


Erik M. Rauch, Mark M. Millonas and Dante R. Chialvo. "Pattern Formation and Functionality in Swarm Models." Physics Letters A 207 (1995) 185-193.

Benoit B. Mandelbrot, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Erik M. Rauch. "The geometry of Critical Ising Clusters: Gap Independence and Global Structure." Submitted to Physical Review Letters.


"Pattern Formation and Functionality in Swarm Models". Talk given at American Physical Society, 1996 Annual Meeting.


Yale Scientific Magazine, Senior Editor.
In addition to serving on the governing board of this 100-year-old magazine, I was a regular contributor on topics of science policy.

Science and Math Achiever Teams (SMArT),
a volunteer science mentor program for disadvantaged middle-school students.

Writer for several other publications
including the Yale Record and the Review of Politics.

Selected Coursework

Artificial Intelligence
Neural Networks
Differential Equations
Stochastic Modelling
Chaotic Dynamics
Numerical Analysis
Programming Languages
Algorithm Design
Operating Systems
Systems Programming
Dynamics of Evolving Systems
Self-organization in Biology and Physics
Complex Adaptive Systems
Computability and Formal Languages
Formal Methods in Software Development
Discrete Mathematics


Prof. Benoit Mandelbrot
IBM Fellow Emeritus
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Rt. 134 Kitchawan Rd.
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
(914) 945-1712

Prof. Paul Hudak
Computer Science Department
PO Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520
(203) 432-4715

Dr. Mark Millonas
James Franck Institute
The University of Chicago
5640 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637-1436

Prof. Eric Mjolsness
Director, Institute for Neural Computation
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, 0114
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA 92093-0114

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