Natural Language Processing Consultant, Powerset June 2007 - September 2007
Lexical ontology integration and evaluation, word sense disambiguation.
Research Intern, Google Research June 2006 - September 2006
Ontology normalization, schema matching, applications of graphical models for database mapping.
Research Intern, Microsoft Research NLP Group June 2005 - September 2005
Recognizing textual entailment, applications of automatically-constructed semantic taxonomies (MindNet).
Analytic Scientist, Fair Isaac Corporation July 2001 - August 2003
Application of long-term context in text, statistical models for natural language processing, parallel processing architectures.
Fair Isaac Exploratory R&D Homepage
Researcher, Institute for Neural Computation, UCSD June 2001 - June 2002
Modeling of the stomatogastric ganglion, computational neuroscience, distinguishing chaos and noise in neural systems, dynamics of motor behavior.
Programmer, Conceptual Immunology Lab, Salk Institute August 2000 - July 2001
Modeling of the immune system, applied cellular automata for antibody-antigen simulation, synthetic immune system (SIS).
Researcher, Computational Neurobiology Lab, Salk Institute August 2000 - July 2001
Parallel architectures, Monte Carlo simulation of microcellular physiology, molecular-level neural modeling, applied physics and mathematics.
Lab Assistant, Molecular Biology and Virology Lab, Salk Institute January 2000 - August 2000
Preparations for yeast genetics, DNA replication, chromosome dynamics.
Stanford University, Department of Computer Science 2003 - 2005
Master of Science, with Distinction in Research.
Specialization in Artificial Intelligence.
University of California, San Diego, Department of Mathematics 1999 - 2002
Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude.
Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer for CS 224S / Linguistics 281: "Speech Recognition and Synthesis", Stanford University, Winter 2005.
Teaching Assistant and Guest Lecturer for ECE 173: "Theory and Applications of Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic", University of California, San Diego, Spring 2002
Teaching Assistant for "Mathematics for Neuroscientists", University of California, San Diego, Summer 2001
A special 10-week summer course for UCSD Computational Neurobiology graduate students.
McNamee, P., Snow, R., Schone, P., and Mayfield, J. "Learning Named Entity Hyponyms for Question Answering", Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2008.
Snow, R., Prakash, S., Jurafsky, D., and Ng, A. Y. "Learning to merge word senses", Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2007.
Snow, R., Jurafsky, D., and Ng, A. Y. "Semantic taxonomy induction from heterogenous evidence", Proceedings of COLING / Association for Computational Linguistics, 2006. Received Best Paper Award.
Snow, R., Vanderwende, L., and Menezes, A. "Effectively using syntax for recognizing false entailment", Proceedings of Human Language Technology / North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2006.
Benton, J., Snow, R., and Wallach, N. "A combinatorial problem associated with nonograms", Linear Algebra and its Applications 412 pp. 30-38, 2006.
Snow, R., Jurafsky, D., and Ng, A. Y. "Learning syntactic patterns for automatic hypernym discovery", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 2005.
Means, R., Snow, R., et al. "Build-a-Brain Experiment Kit", HNC Software Inc., 2002.
Snow, R. "Efficient Generation of Hierarchical Representations in Cortronic Networks", UCSD Faculty Mentor Research Symposium 2002 Proceedings, 2002.
Snow, R. "Handbook of Cortronics Pseudocode", HNC Technical Paper, 2002.
Snow, R. "Knowledge Representation in Associative Memory Neural Models", HHUSEP, UCSD Undergraduate Summer Research Conference 2001 Proceedings, 2001.
Snow, R. et al. "Semantic Structure of the English Language", Fair Isaac InterACT Conference, San Diego, California, 6 June 2003.
Rowat, P., Elson, R., Snow, R. "Bursting dynamics in the stomatogastric nervous system", CNS 2001, Pacific Grove, California, 5 July 2001.