C l a s s e s     C l a s s e s     C l a s s e s

Stanford stanfordseal University
Senior Year (1998-99)
Spring 1999
CS194: Software Project
CS161: Data Structures and Algorithms
EE182: Computer Organization & Design
Winter 1999
CS140: Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS121: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS223A: Introduction to Robotics
Art14: Drawing for Non-Majors
Fall 1998
CS148: Introduction to Computer Graphics
CS147: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design
E40: Introduction to Electronics

Junior Year (1997-98)
Spring 1998
CS143: Compilers
CS154: Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory
CS157: Logic and Automated Reasoning
Winter 1998
Pols60: Political Science, The American Dream
Cl12: Classics, Greek Tragedy
Art2: Ideas and Forms in Asian Art
Fall 1997
CS108: Object-Oriented Systems Design
CS109: Introduction to Computer Science
STS101: Science, Techonology, and Contemporary Society

Sophomore Year (1996-97)
Spring 1997
CS107: Programming Paradigms
Math130: Ordinary Differential Equations
Eng30: The Novel
Eng50: Poetry & Poetics
Winter 1997
CS106B: Programming Abstractions
Writ2: Writing and Critical Thinking
Fr3: 1st Year French
Fall 1996
CS106A: Programming Methodology
Math113: Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory
Fr2: 1st Year French

Columbia columbiaseal University
Freshman Year (1995-96)
Spring 1996
V1205: Calculus IIIS
C1802: Accelerated Physics II: E&M
C1892: Accelerated Physics II Lab: E&M
C1507: Intensive General Chemistry-Lab
C1007: Logic and Rhetoric
E1102: Computers in Engineering and Applied Science
Autumn 1995
V1106: Calculus IIS
C1801: Accelerated Physics I: Mechanics
C1891: Accelerated Physics I Lab: Mechanics
C1407: Intensive General Chemistry-Lec
W1105: Principles of Economics

mailrose sabs@cs.stanford.edu
Last Updated: October 16, 1999
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