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Rashmi Raj
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
Resume [PDF/DOC]
rashmi - 'at' - 'cs' - 'dot' - 'stanford' - 'dot' - 'edu'

My research interests include Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Distributed databases and Transaction Management, Data Security and Security Protocols & Distributed Systems and Wireless Networks. I am pursuing a Research Assistantship with Dr. Amar K. Das at Stanford Medical Informatics.

Conference and Workshop Papers

Towards my research interest, I took following courses as part of the MS program at Stanford. Projects done in respective quarters are also listed below.

Coursework and Projects:

Autumn 2005
cs270    Introduction to Biomedical Informatics: Fundamental Methods Dr. Mark Musen
cs276    Text Retrieval and Web Search Professor Christopher Manning  and  Professor Prabhakar Raghavan
cs345    Data Mining Professor Jeffrey D. Ullman  and  Professor Anand Rajaraman
cs547    Human-Computer Interaction Seminar Professor Terry Winograd
cs270 : GXplain An Intelligent System That Offers Study Advice About Genes [Project Report/Code]
cs276 : Implement supervised machine learning by training classifiers for Usenet newsgroup messages [Code]
cs345 : Web Spam Detection with Anti-Trust Rank [Project Report]
Winter 2006
cs245    Database System Principles Professor Hector Garcia-Molina
cs255    Introduction to Cryptography Professor Dan Boneh
cs271    Intro BioMedical Informatics: System Design Dr. Amar K. Das
cs547    Database and Information Management Seminar Professor Jennifer Widom
#Secure Content Distribution System [Code]
#Secure Instant Messaging System [Code]
cs271 : HIVdb+: Extending HIVdb functionality while securing data privacy [Project Report]
Spring 2006
cs347    Transaction Processing and Distributed Databases Professor Hector Garcia-Molina
cs295    Software Engineering Professor Alex Aiken
cs155    Computer and Network Security Professor Dan Boneh  and  Professor John Mitchell
cs547    Digital Systems Reliability Seminar Professor Edward J. McCluskey
#Exploit buffer overflow, format string and double free bugs
#Web application security (cookie theft, request forgery, login snooping, profile worm)
#Network security (packet traces, TCP injection and scan detection)
Summer 2006
Program Manager Intern, Microsoft, Redmond, WA
I interned with the Identity and Access team (Windows card space) as a program manager. Took ownership of providing business solution to information card provisioning starting from incubation to implementation, integration and verification for the next release of Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
Autumn 2006
cs147    Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design Professor Terry Winograd
cs374    Algorithms in Biology Professor Serafim Batzaglou
cs377A    Introduction to Cybernetics and Systems for Design Professor Hugh Dubberly and Professor Paul Pangaro
cs202    Law for Computer Science Professionals Professor Marcia Hansen
cs147 : Course Evaluation [Project Website]
cs377A : A Cynerbetic Approach to Controlling Health Problems [Project Report]
cs374 : Biological Data Mining [Presentation deck]
Winter 2007
cs345B    XML and Databases Daniela Florescu and Donald Kossmann
cs377s    Designing Applications That See Dan Maynes-Aminzade
cs377s : Camera Control In Processing [code]
#Financial web service for symbol lookup [XQuery code]
#Financial web service for getting quote and five most recent news [XQuery Code]
You can use mxquery for running above web services [mxquery.jar]

General Interests: